We’re asking for your input

Would you take 5 minutes to take our survey? Click here.

Sharing news and columns isn’t a one-way street. We receive emails from our readers, usually short notes of gratitude, and these are complemented by the clicks people make at the bottom of articles where the little “Say thanks” button is. Sometimes we get phone calls, and when we’re at events like the recent L.A. Religious Education Congress or annual LCWR assembly, people stop by our booth to offer encouragement.

We know you’re busy – and there’s a lot to read out there – but it’s always nice to hear from you.

Global Sisters Report is closing in on its first anniversary since launching this story-sharing website. Staff was busy starting in late fall of 2013, gathering sources, finding columnists, coaching writers and designing the look and feel of globalsistersreport.org – not to mention all the programming that goes into building a website – and the new destination officially launched April 23, 2014.

The flow of information has not slowed down, but we’re taking a moment to pause and reflect on how things are going.

We want to hear from you in a more deliberate way – what you like about Global Sisters Report, how you use what you read here, whether you have suggestions for new kinds of content or features or ways of presenting the stories.

Every day we learn about an initiative, a sister, an organization, a situation, challenge or triumph that deserves attention, and it’s our pleasure to hear your opinions about what this site means to you and how we can make it better.

There are easy multiple choice questions and places where you can write your own thoughts, too.

If you haven’t already filled out the survey, please take a few minutes to help us learn more.

Thank you for your contribution and support!

Individual responses will be kept anonymous, though we will share our larger findings when the survey process is complete.

Fun fact: Global Sisters Report is read by people in more than 150 countries!

