Guide: Isolated? We can learn from cloistered sisters


Humans are social creatures by nature. But our natural desire to interact with other people increases the risk of the spread of coronavirus. So, out of caution and necessity, we've had to adopt new ways of being. Social distancing, isolation and quarantine have become the new normal. This separation disrupts our lives and strains us emotionally and spiritually. It also, however, creates opportunities for us to explore new ways to deepen our relationship with God.


Many congregations of women religious choose to live mostly apart from the world, and we can learn a lot from them. In these times when our lives are disrupted, these nuns offer great guidance about adding both order and meaning to our daily routines.


Note: Activities in GSR in the Classroom instructor guides usually are designed to be used in classroom or parish settings by larger gathered groups. Because coronavirus precautions prohibit these gatherings, this activity is designed for at-home use and for online video gatherings.

Teacher or parent begins by giving student(s) the following instructions:

  • Hold up your hands in front of your face and, counting out loud, count your fingers.
  • Count them again, silently and slowly.
  • Think about the ways you’ve counted your fingers. Now count them using a different method.

Ask the following questions:

  • What's one good reason to count your fingers? 
  • When you count your fingers, is there some natural order you follow (such as left to right, or pinkie to thumb)?
  • What are some different ways to count your fingers? (for example, making fists and raising each finger, or counting down from 10 to one).

Conclude by saying: "It seems silly to count our fingers. We know the result already! It could just be something to occupy ourselves for five or 10 seconds when we're bored. But these are strange times, and it's important to maintain a sense of order in our lives. It helps to establish a routine as we take on tasks – whether they're mindless or important. Today, we'll explore ways to stay focused as we take on the important task of maintaining our relationships with God and others in these stressful days." 


Lord, we count on you

to guide and protect us.

You know how many hairs 

we have on our head.

You know the path we must follow

in these uncertain times.

Help us to trust in you,

to order our days

and use our gifts

to do your will.
