Honoring sacred tradition: perpetual adoration at 146 years

On Aug. 1, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration gathered in Mary of the Angels Chapel to celebrate 146 years of perpetual adoration, our sacred tradition that started in 1878. Sister Joanne Moeller read from “A Chapter of Franciscan History,” written by Sister Mileta Ludwig explaining the scene from the day adoration began. “...Aug. 1, 1878 was to mark the date of the most significant religious event in the history of the congregation. No effort was spared in making preparations. A small shrine approximately 12 by 18 feet with an alcove scarcely larger than a bay window to serve as sanctuary had been added to the south wing of the convent. Here, decked with candles and flowers, stood the altar which was to be the first throne of the perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the United States. The ceremonies began at an early hour with the dedication of the chapel to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

When the reading ended, 12 women came forward to ring the ceremonial bell 147 times—celebrating the 146 years completed and ushering in the new year. Bell ringers represented our sisters, affiliates, prayer partners and partners in mission on staff. Jean Amlaw served as bell ringer and represented our longest prayer partner in the group, having partnered with FSPA in prayer in 2002.  For 27 years, FSPA has welcomed people from the La Crosse area to take at least an hour per week in prayer in our Adoration Chapel. Today we have more than 100 prayer partners praying with us.

Sister Sarah Hennessey led the intercessions, praying for all those who have been touched by our adoration, for FSPA’s sister communities, the Sisters of St. Francis of Milwaukee, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist of Meriden, Connecticut, and the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis of Cameroon and for continued blessings on all who have requested our prayers.

As we begin the 147th year of perpetual adoration, may the Spirit who guided our past leaders and all those who have preceded us, lead us into another grace-filled year. May we continue to witness the presence of God throughout the world today. We implore you, Creator God, to graciously hear and answer our prayers.

Watch and Read More

Watch the ceremony on FSPA's story page

Read We continue to not only pray but to truly live adoration by Sister Sarah Hennessey