Lissy Maruthanakuzhy

Lissy Maruthanakuzhy is a member of the worldwide Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul, founded in Italy by Blessed James Alberione in 1915, and is committed to proclaiming Christ through social communications. She is a former editor of Pauline Publications in Mumbai. She was a correspondent for South Asian Religious News and Union of Catholic Asian News before becoming a correspondent of Matters India. She also contributes to local periodicals.

By this Author

Q & A with Sr. Vimala Joseph Thottumannil, architect of churches and chapels worldwide

Migrant workers flood Goa beaches for jobs; sisters help them fit in

Letting go and letting God provide light for one step at a time

Family visits: entering the lives of our neighbors

The Word meets the world at Pauline Books and Media Centers

Q & A with Sr. Rosita Gomes, 88, working with those on India's periphery

House of Charity in Mumbai provides family to those with disabilities

'The sisters made up for my parents' absence': Orphanage nurtures family spirit

Q & A with Sr. Betsy Devasia, empowering women of northeastern India

Ankur school for girls: 'Picking me up from the slums'

My challenges in carrying Jesus

'This is our life. We are missionaries'

Q & A with Sr. Lissy Vallippalam, quenching Christ's thirst through counseling

Entering the transgender world, finding friendship

Belgian sister's NGO advocates for India's exploited domestic workers

Rubber plantations turn Garo villages around thanks to Sister Rose

Q & A with Sr. Rose Thapa, first native superior general of her congregation

Journeys of faith by train in India

Sisters provide special education in India at a school called 'dawn of life'

How to survive in India's oppressive heat