Nancy Sylvester

Nancy Sylvester is founder and director of the Institute for Communal Contemplation and Dialogue. She served in leadership of her own religious community, the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monroe, Michigan, as well as in the presidency of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Prior to that she was National Coordinator of Network, the national Catholic social justice lobby. ICCD is beginning its third decade with new resources and programs. For information go to Her new book, Journey-Faith in an Entangled World is available beginning Oct. 15.

By this Author

Can progress hold both paradise and parking lots?

When the future is obscured, we need radical trust

Don't forget to walk around the corner

'Will you wake for pity's sake!'

Resist weariness, fan passion, offer hope to younger generations

The future needs us to say 'Yes'

Lenten lamentation: Help us imagine new possibilities for world peace

Time to renew your contemplative journey this Lent

Seeds on the winter snow: The New Year doesn't feel very new

This Epiphany season, let us reclaim our soul

An Advent calendar for today

Strangers no more: Moving from fragmentation to wholeness

How can one be the still point in a spinning world?

Transforming burdens into life-giving energy

The Sankofa bird teaches us about the future

Like watering a poppy, small actions can make all the difference

In the midst of it all we are not alone

A year later, what am I learning from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Lent not a time of 'giving up,' but of 'taking' time to be with God

The revolution that begins within