It's a question that people of color or anyone else on the margins of our foundationally racist republic have been asking since the first "divide and conquer" tactics were deployed in the Thirteen Colonies in the 17th century.
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) sent a letter July 5 to Kansas City-St. Joseph Bishop James Johnston requesting he use a new protocol created by U.S. bishops to block resigned Bishop Robert Finn and retired Bishop Joseph Hart from ministry and all church meetings and activities.
Distinctly Catholic: A new poll gives Donald Trump his highest marks since taking office, with a 44% approval rating. It is the kind of news item that makes one scared.
The Field Hospital: Twin parishes team up across US-Canada border to raise funds for church restoration; A New Jersey diocesan delegation visits the border in Texas. The famous Crystal Cathedral is now the Christ Cathedral.
Distinctly Catholic: A new poll gives Donald Trump his highest marks since taking office, with a 44% approval rating. It is the kind of news item that makes one scared.
The church in Africa needs courageous Catholics who will become involved in the continent's challenges, said participants at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar.