Soli Salgado

Soli Salgado is the international editor of the Global Sisters Report. Previously she was the Latin America correspondent and has reported from 13 countries for GSR and NCR, covering mostly migration, human trafficking, and Nuns & Nones. Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Wichita, Kansas, Soli graduated from the University of Kansas in 2013 with degrees in journalism, English, and Spanish, and joined NCR as a Bertelsen intern in 2015. Big loves include illustration, yoga, reading, travel and presidential history.

By this Author

Francis' visit to Chilean prison shines light on Sr. Nelly Leon

Q & A with Sr. Madonna Buder, famous for running Ironman triathlons

Q & A with Sr. Sonia Zuleta Ruiz, running an orphanage for girls in Medellín

Q & A with Sr. Kathleen Cogan, a first-time author at 88

Transition home in El Paso helps women overcome crises, regain independence

Silver Lake's work college program carves niche for Franciscan school

At conference, congregations embrace diversity, commit to developing fellowship

In Colombian slums, sisters' kitchen feeds at-risk children, keeps them off streets

Q & A with Sr. Kieran Sawyer, teaching young people about life and love

Development, human rights, environment -- 'water is at the heart of all of it'

Q & A with Sr. Suzanne Herder, consecrated life after marriage and children

Partnerships strengthen sisters' clean water projects worldwide

Q & A with Sr. Vickie Perkins, head of an interfaith center for people who are homeless

Q & A with Sr. Sharlet Wagner, new president-elect of LCWR

LCWR looks to the future with openness, communion and contemplation

Grief is a gateway to grace, which can remake the world, LCWR president tells 2017 assembly

Christopher Pramuk strikes a chord of Resurrection faith for LCWR

Sr. Teresa Maya brings bicultural perspective to LCWR presidency

Sister leaders to connect contemplation with real world at 2017 LCWR assembly

Sr. Mary Pellegrino leads in a time that's 'not business as usual'