Thomas Scaria

Thomas Scaria

Thomas Scaria is a senior journalist based in India who has worked in Sri Lanka until recently in an intergovernmental organization. He has written for the Union of Catholic Asian News since 1991 and received its 2000 Best Reporter award. He also writes for Matters India, a news portal that focuses on religious and social issues and collaborates with Global Sisters Report.


Thomas Scaria es un periodista senior radicado en India que ha que ha escrito para la Unión de Noticias Católicas Asiáticas desde 1991 y que ha trabajado recientemente en Sri Lanka en una organización intergubernamental. En 2000 recibió un premio como el Mejor Reportero de ese año. Scaria colabora con Global Sisters Report y también escribe para Matters India, un portal de noticias que se centra en cuestiones religiosas y sociales. 

By this Author

Nuns help female entrepreneurs rebuild their lives after India's pandemic lockdowns

Monday Starter: Convent's music therapy comforts Ukraine's war victims

Four congregations of nuns merge charisms to benefit people with leprosy

Sisters protest in streets against economic crises in Sri Lanka

'They are hungry, angry and frustrated': Indian nun recounts Russian atrocities in Ukraine

Western Ukraine convent shifts to sheltering women, children fleeing war

Nuns in Ukraine rescue, escort stranded foreign students to border

Q&A with Sr. Maria Nirmalini, new president of the conference of women and men religious in India

Q & A with Sr. Dulcie Peiris, working for peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka

Salvatorian nuns build houses for war victims, widows in Sri Lanka

India's farmers prevail in national protest, Catholic sisters rejoice

Nuns help children cope with trauma from Sri Lanka's war

Catholic nun among 16 given permission to kill wild boars attacking farms in southern India

Q&A with Sr. Theresa Crasta, who worked with special needs children before evacuating Kabul

In congregation's 100th year, Bethany Sisters' lay associates outnumber the nuns

Apostolic Carmel nuns complete 150 years as pioneers of women's education in India

Good Shepherd sisters skip 150th jubilee to aid Sri Lanka blast victims

Nuns on healing mission in Sri Lanka help Easter Sunday bombing victims regain normalcy

Q & A with Sr. Samantha Kuruppuarachchi, who lost family members in Sri Lanka's Easter bombings