Leaders of Nun Justice Project to deliver petition at U.S. bishops' meeting in Atlanta

Here is the organization's press release:

Washington, DC - Leaders of the Nun Justice Project, a group of Catholic organizations that coordinated the recent nationwide vigils, will hand-deliver a petition in support of the sisters to U.S. Bishops at their biannual meeting on Wednesday, June 13 in Atlanta, Ga.

The organizations reached their goal of 57,000 signatures, one signature for every sister in the United States. Leaders of the Nun Justice Coalition and their supporters will gather at noon in front of the Atlanta Hyatt Regency in order to pray before delivering the petition to the bishops. The petition calls on the Vatican to rescind its harmful mandate against the sisters.

"Catholics across the country are outraged by the Vatican's attempt to threaten the women who have been the backbone of this church for centuries," said Erin Saiz Hanna, spokesperson for the Nun Justice Project and executive director of Women's Ordination Conference. "With the nationwide vigils and this petition, Catholics have made it clear that they stand in solidarity with the sisters and their good work among the poor and marginalized."

"At a time when the church hierarchy is beset by scandal, faithful Catholics are looking for moral leadership and have clearly placed their vote of confidence with the sisters," said Jim FitzGerald, spokesperson for the Nun Justice Project and executive director of Call To Action.

Later this month, the Nun Justice Coalition will be encouraging Catholics to redirect their Peter's Pence contribution to local women religious communities. Peter's Pence is an annual second collection, normally made at the end of June. To date, 50K has already been pledged in support of the sisters.

"The Church needs leaders willing to live out the gospel call. We are grateful for the sisters who have modeled for us authentic, moral leadership," concluded Hanna.

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