Activists leave, activists gather

Just as the legions of supporters of the annual March of Life leave Washington for home, I received two notices of future gatherings in Washington that I though NCR readers would like to know about.

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering
February 13-16, 2011

The Catholic Social Ministry Gathering is an annual event co-sponsored by 19 national Catholic organizations. It is rooted in the Word of God and the Church’s living Catholic social tradition that builds solidarity, knowledge, and skills among social ministry leaders in national Catholic organizations, local arch/dioceses, religious congregations, Catholic education, healthcare and others. It animates the Church’s social mission for the evangelization of the world.

Read more about it.

The sponsoring organizations are: Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, The Catholic Health Association of the United States, Catholic Relief Services, The Conference of Major Superiors of Men, JustFaith, Ladies of Charity United States of America, National Association of Black Catholic Administrators, National Catholic Partnership on Disability, National Catholic Rural Life Conference, National Council of Catholic Women, Roundtable Association of Diocesan Social Action Directors, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and from the U.S. bishops' conference: Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, Migration and Refugee Services, and the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.

The SOA Watch Spring Days of Action!
April 4-11, 2011

Bringing the resistance to the heart of the empire

This April, join SOA Watch as we take our vigil to close the SOA and end US militarization in the Americas to the heart of the empire: Washington, DC. Come join us for a week of direct action, street theater, lobbying and the 5th Latin American Solidarity Coalition Conference.

Many within the movement have pointed to Washington, DC, as the place to continue and build on our annual November vigil to close the SOA. From April 4-11, we will turn up the heat for those in power and build those bridges of solidarity from South to North.

Read more about it.

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