Groups call to lobby bishops

I just received this notice from FutureChurch. I reprint it in its entirety.


We just received the urgent message below from the folks at "What if We Just Said Wait?" requesting that we contact our bishops TODAY, before their November 13 bishops meeting.

Ask them to delay implementation of the Roman Missal translations because "it has become clear that an already compromised text is in a state of complete disarray." (see full text below)

A sample letter and how to contact your bishop is included.

We urge your prayerful action in this important matter.

Chris Schenk csj
FutureChurch Exec Director

What If We Just Said Wait?
The case for a grassroots review of the new Roman Missal


The saga of the new Roman Missal continues with reports that the 2008 translation approved by the bishops has undergone substantial revision. According to a detailed report recently leaked by a bishop to the National Catholic Reporter, these changes (10,000 in number!), far from being an improvement on the 2008 text, make this already compromised text even worse. What's more, these changes have been made without consultation with either the bishops or with the translators. Click here to read the complete report released by NCR.

So, why are some bishops still rushing to implement this text in the U.S. in Advent, 2011?

NOW is the moment to contact your bishop. PLEASE, e-mail, fax, or phone your bishop's office AT ONCE--before their annual meeting begins in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, November 13. Urge him to address this crisis during the meeting. Ask that there be a thorough review of the process that has led us to this moment. What if we just said wait?

You might wish to use the following text.

Dear Bishop/Archbishop N. (or Your Excellency/Eminence,)

I am deeply concerned by recent reports about the new translation of the Roman Missal, slated for implementation in the U.S. on November 28, 2011. As I understand it, the texts which you and the bishops of this country approved in 2008 have been subjected to substantial--and highly questionable--editing. This is shocking, and yet, hardly surprising. As you know, well over 21,000 people from around the English-speaking world have expressed their grave concerns about the 2008 text

Now it has become clear that an already compromised text is in a state of complete disarray. One might say, "the last state is worse than the first"!

At a time when, sadly, far too many people have lost their confidence in Church leadership, it is imperative that our bishops avoid further erosion of their authority by taking steps to ensure that we be given high-quality texts that unite, rather than divide.

I urge you, at your November meeting, to follow the lead of Archbishop Meisner and the German Bishops' Conference by directly petitioning the Holy See in this matter. To accomplish this, a committee of bishops with liturgical expertise should be established to represent to the Holy See the urgent need for a delay in implementation and for a thorough review of the principles and the process of liturgical translation.

Please, bring these concerns to your brother bishops at your November meeting. I will be praying earnestly that the Holy Spirit may inspire and guide you.

Your bishop's contact information is easily obtained at your diocesan website.

Or you can follow this link from the USCCB website to find information for your own diocese:

PLEASE ACT NOW! It's not too late for change.

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