Lessons from the oil in the Gulf

"Well I do think that people are understanding that technology sometimes doesn’t work, that it breaks down and that it may not be able to save us from the mistakes that we make. There is a sense of that in the Gulf, that my gosh, one after another of these multi-million dollar systems that are supposed to operate under extreme conditions failed. And all of the rescue attempts failed. And I think that’s a very healthy lesson for us to learn at this moment when we’re being asked to support ever-more risky energy options; that these technologies that we’re told are infallible are fallible."

-- Michael Klare, author of Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy.

Listen to (or read the transcript of) an interview with Klare on PRI's The World, a radio redeclaration by Public Radio International, the BBC and WGBN, in an episode titled: "Reconsidering deep-sea oil drilling."

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