Members, consultants named to bishops' religious liberty team

This just in from the U.S. bishops’ conference:

Bishop William Lori, (the next archbishop in Baltimore??) has announced his line up for the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty (See Bishops aim to protect religious liberty, Bishop to Congress: Religious freedom subject to 'rapid erosion' and Bishop faces tough question.)

New members of the ad hoc committee include

  • Bishop John O. Barres of Allentown, Pennsylvania;
  • Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap. of Philadelphia;
  • Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas;
  • Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta;
  • Archbishop John C. Nienstedt of St. Paul-Minneapolis;
  • Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix;
  • Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield in Illinois,
  • Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi of Mobile, Alabama;
  • Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle
  • Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington.

Consultants include:

  • Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus;
  • Kevin Baine, attorney, Williams & Connolly;
  • Father Raymond J. de Souza, a priest of the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario (Canada) and a columnist;
  • Richard Garnett, associate dean and professor of law and political science, University of Notre Dame LawSchool;
  • John Garvey, President, The Catholic University of America;
  • Mary Ann Glendon, professor, Harvard Law School;
  • Philip Lacovara, attorney;
  • Judge Michael McConnell, professor, Stanford University Law School;
  • L. Martin Nussbaum, attorney, Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons;
  • Mary Ellen Russell, executive director, Maryland Catholic Conference./li>

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