Mobilize: Support our Catholic sisters

Sisters Under Scrutiny is a new NCR blog that aims to be your one stop site gathering the latest news, actions and reactions arising from the Vatican ordered reform of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the umbrella organization for 80 percent of American Catholic sisters.

The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith April 18 ordered LCWR to reform its statutes, programs and affiliations to conform more closely to the teachings and discipline of the Church. Seattle Archbishop Peter Sartain was appointed the “archbishop delegate” to oversee the organization. LCWR leaders say they were “stunned” by the move, which caught them by surprise. During the coming weeks NCR will feature on this blog the latest news and actions flowing out of this unprecedented move.

Also visit the Support our Catholic sisters Facebook page. We hope this page will become a space sisters can turn to for inspiration and that the sisters’ supporters can use to organize that support.

How has one or more Catholic sisters changed your life? Use Support our Catholic sisters to post your testimonial and those of your family members and friends. Help us tell your stories. Post short essays, photos and/or videos telling us what a particular sister has meant to your life. Are you organizing a prayer service or vigil? Are you part of a letter writing campaign? Share with us the details on the Support our Catholic Sisters Facebook page.

We want to report the actions of our Catholic communities as they express their support and affection for the women who have set exemplary examples, shaping consciences and faith lives for so many years.
