Morlino's poli sci 101

Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wis., (Rep. Paul Ryan's home diocese) gives some political science lessons in the local newspaper:

"If people begin to look to government for everything, that's how we get toward a state-imposed socialism, which is never acceptable from a Catholic point of view because it's contrary to reason, which says that human labor should yield its fruits, and that those who labor own the fruits," Morlino said.

Those with an abundance are obligated to share with those who lack basics, Morlino said, but the best way to do that is at the level closest to the people in need, a Catholic principle called subsidiarity.

"It's just common sense," Morlino said. "In other words, if I can help you directly, why should we bring it to the mayor or the government or the president of the United States, if I can just help you?"

Read the full report.

Earlier, writing in his diocesan newspaper, Morlino called socialism "intrinsically evil."

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