Morning Briefing

Jan. 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Nationwide events will range from a Walk 4 Freedom in Los Angles to a rally for awareness at the New Jersey State House in Trenton.

Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski: Address wage gap between upper, worker and lower classes (This site may require registration.)

Behind-the-scenes Baltimore sisters unlikely face of ongoing contraception battle

Another view: By Obama’s logic, Catholic nuns part of ‘war on women’ by Rick Lowry

And still another view: The Catholic Supreme Court’s War on Women by Jamie Stiehm

Chicago archdiocese -- The document disclosure will provide the broadest look yet at how the country's third-largest archdiocese handled abuse claims in recent decades, in addition to offering detailed accounts of the pain endured by dozens of victims.

Bangladesh -- Islamists attack Catholics who "dared" to vote: several injured

Diocese of Camden, N.J. -- Bishop's new mansion draws criticism from flock

Providence, R.I. — Judge advises dismissal of law suit man brought because church bells woke him You don't make your case, judge advises.

Jesuit superior general to visit Korea next week (I tried to come up with a Dennis Rodemman joke, but couldn't think of anything. Sorry.

From Toronto to Lower Mainland B.C. -- An upsurge in new churches in Canada’s urban centres is heralded by some as a sign that religion is far from dead, a fear often cited with the rise of secularism throughout the western world.

What do American Catholics have to say about family life? Milwaukee-based Parish Evaluation Project has some answers

Salt Lake City -- LCWR's Sr. Florence Deacon to speak at 2014 Aquinas Lecture scheduled for Jan. 26.

Toronto women become fans of Pope Francis. They are also eager to talk with bishops about the October Synod on the Family

Sr. Rose Pacatte's Twitter-length reviews of 2013 movies

PP-header_with-outline.jpgLooking for an a little inspiration to begin your day?  NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

Pencil Preaching is blog that Celebration editor Pat Marrin combines scripture and sketching to reflect on the word.

DailyBreadBanner.jpgDaily Bread is a series short reflections, written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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