Morning Briefing

pew_numberMuslims-.pngA pause in the shouting: Obama, critics connect at CNN's town hall on guns Text and video.

Ending the Gun Lobby’s Con Game Fearlessness Can Flip the Politics

Meanwhile, from the heart of gun country: Texas bishop rips 'cowboy mentality' against gun control

Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.3 million Muslims of all ages living in the United States in 2015. This means that Muslims made up about 1% of the total U.S. population, and Pew estimates that that share will double by 2050.

Syracuse, N.Y. -- St. Lucy's Parish has been a Pope Francis-type of parish since back when there was simply an Argentine Jesuit named Jorge Bergoglio. Inner-city parish unafraid to reach out to the margins

Perhaps the most important thing you will read today: (Part 1) The Catholic story, conservative vs. progressive

The most inspirational thing you'll read today: Sr. Madeleva Wolff forever changed the face of Catholic theology

Spotlight, the Boston archdiocese sex abuse film, nominated for Best Film by British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

Pope Francis will visit Mexico Febr. 12-18, and Mexico plans to deploy 10,000 police officers for Pope Francis's visit, mirroring security measures taken during US tour last year

Ahead of Mexico trip: Pope Francis jokes about tequila with Mexican tourist

Back in November, Sr. Joan Chittister wrote the following column: Ordination of married men would cause other major changes within the church. Now I am starting to see stories like this: Are Married Catholic Priests the “Thin Edge of the Wedge”? Fr. Dwight Longenecker, a “pastoral provision priests" (i.e., he's married with kids), says, "It is vital for both sides of the debate to understand that the issues of married priests and women priests are completely separate."

Looking for a little inspiration to begin your day? NCR's sister publication, Celebration, gives you two options, both based on the Scripture readings of the day:

DailyBreadBanner.jpgDaily Bread is a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings. Daily Bread is intended to help daily preachers and others who pray from the assigned Scriptures each day to orient themselves to the Living Word addressed to the church in the world. It's a great way to begin the day.

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