Morning Briefing

Capital Punishment: Appeals court upholds ruling against use of midazolam in Ohio executions

Washington, DC -- Georgetown liturgy of contrition honors enslaved

The Hard-Edged Hope of Wendell Berry Why his vision of humble communities and humane economies is just what the world needs right now.

How Texas is beating the Supreme Court on abortion 'Texas has taken what might have happened in a decade or more in another state and collapsed it into a year.'

Interview with Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston: Top US Catholic bishop plans for Trump meeting The White House had no comment on prospects for a meeting, although such a session would continue a common practice for the head of the bishops’ conference to confer with the U.S. president.

After the Election, church revival? More liberals are filling Protestant pews. A 'Whole Foods Democrat' Returns to Church

Soul Seeing -- Reach for mercy, reach for joy

Ottawa, Canada -- Canada's Catholic bishops warn against marijuana legalization

London, England -- Catholics rally behind gay Ugandan who faces deportation

Burlington, Vermont -- Vermont bishop to convene first synod for Burlington Diocese since 1962


Deepening the idea of hospitality in New York: Franciscan house is like a mini-UN


In early February, one of my fellow Good Shepherd Volunteers, Liana, and I received an unexpected request from one of our supervisors: "The contemplative sisters who live behind you want to learn English. Can you set up a time to meet?"

Beglium: Sexual abuse and paedophilia in the Catholic Church in Belgium: Some Statistics

The second mosque in the United States led solely by women held its inaugural service in California on Friday, but unlike a Los Angeles congregation that opened two years ago, the new female-led Muslim house of worship in Berkeley is open to both genders.

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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