Morning Briefing

Webathon 2017: Yes, it's that time of year again when we ask our online readers for support. We hope 2,000 of you take the challenge over the next week. Did you ever wonder: What does it cost to keep NCR open and running?

Take the time now to make a donation to

Today's must-read story: Albuquerque, New Mexico — Catholic Theological Society of America to explore ecology at annual meeting. And NCR correspondent Heidi Schlumpf is there with them. Watch this space for her reports.

The Dominican Sisters Conference is working on a series of articles that open up a conversation on truth. Just what is it? How is it at work in our lives?

An NCR editorial: President Donald Trump's renunciation of our global citizenship is as frighteningly shortsighted and dangerous as denying climate science. Making America small and inconsequential

Pope Francis, like Trump, is reluctant to condemn Russia on Syria and Ukraine says Fr. Tom Reese. (Did you ever wonder why Tom Reese likes working for NCR? Read this to learn more.)

What's next in the U.K.? May’s gamble on a snap British vote backfires spectacularly, but she resists calls to step down.

In bars, VFW halls, offices and living rooms, Americans were riveted by the testimony of James Comey, the former FBI director, before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday: Comey Testimony a Prism for Viewing American Politics

Meanwhile, Trump's "infrastructure week" goes off the rails: The White House's self-proclaimed "infrastructure week" has generated a flurry of headlines on nearly everything else.

Digging in for long haul, Trump hits mute

Church officials met in Seoul to discuss the newly-established Korean section of Vatican Radio, the first language version produced outside of the Vatican. "The project is a role model on cooperation between a local church and the Vatican."

Preparations for World Youth Day 2018 in Panama and the dangers of gender theory on marriage and the family were among the major themes that bishops from Panama discussed with Francis.

Did you know that has a channel dedicated to exploring the crossroads of Catholic social teaching, spirituality and ecology? We call it Eco Catholic and here are some of its recent stories:

Josie Setzler is a Catholic peace activist from Tiffin, Ohio, with long experience with Palestine/Israel. Here she writes about her recent trip to the West Bank: Staying put: the nonviolent resistance of daily life in the West Bank

DailyBreadBanner.jpgStart your day inspired with daily scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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