Morning Briefing

COMMENTARY: Everyone's Irish today

North Dakota Catholics told not to donate to groups, no giving to or working with the March of Dimes, UNICEF, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, or Crop Walk

Discussion on The Wall Street Jouranl discussion page: How should the Catholic Church and Catholics respond to the Philadelphia clergy-abuse allegations?

Editorial: A few bad apples don’t spoil the bunch, The 96 percent of good priests deserve a better fate and reaction from the public.

Chicago: Fr. Mike Pfleger’s tenure at St. Sabina Parish may be ending

The relics of Saint Therese of Lisieux made a solemn entry into Jerusalem on Wednesday, the start of a tour of the Holy Land until May 31.

Salt Lake City, Utah Bishop calls new immigrant worker laws "ill-advised."

Bonita Springs, Fla. St. Leo parishioners show support for priest

Embattled Bonita Springs priest speaks to supporters

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