Morning Briefing

Election 2012: Alabama and Mississippi: Primary Day In the South. 119 delegates the prize in four primaries being held today in Alabama, Mississippi, Hawaii and American Samoa.

NY Catholic bishops lobby state lawmakers Monday to reject pending bills to codify abortion rights and open a window for victims of child sex abuse to sue for old incidents.

Church Puts Legal Pressure on Abuse Victims’ Group. William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, said leading bishops he knew had resolved to fight back more aggressively against the group: “The bishops have come together collectively. I can’t give you the names, but there’s a growing consensus on the part of the bishops that they had better toughen up and go out and buy some good lawyers to get tough."

See NCR's reporting: SNAP leader's deposition made public

Commentary: The Catholic bishops are in the process of lifting the ban on the birth control pill. The problem is they don’t know it yet. by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo

Northern Ireland: Cardinal Seán Brady, the all-Ireland primate, meets with members of the Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse group. unreservedly apologizez to victims of institutional abuse and given assurances to co-operate fully with an official investigation.

The Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference is to train and deploy over 1,500 election observers especially in rural and conflict prone constituencies.

The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops will make an important decision this week: Do they want to defend the church’s legitimate interest in religious autonomy, or do they want war against President Barack Obama? by E.J. Dionne

Funeral services for war correspondent Marie Colvin were held March 12 at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church in Oyster Bay on New York's Long Island. Reporter killed in Syria recalled as truth seeker.

NCR's sister publication, Celebration, posts reflections on each day's Scripture reading. Here's a link: You may want to bookmark it. It's a great way to begin the day.

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