New Mass translation a 'significant turning point' in New York

This article about the new Mass translation appeared in the Nov. 20 edition of the Sunday Gazette in Schenectady, N.Y. It gives some idea of the amount of confusion that may accompany the season of Advent, at least in some places.

Stephen Powers of the Capital District region of Call to Action in upstate New York attempted to clarify some of the issues involved in a reply to the paper:

"To some this may seem to be trivial arguing over the translation of certain words when there are so many other more pressing needs to be faced. This new Missal, however, represents a significant turning point in Roman Catholicism after the efforts of the past fifty years to build stronger parish communities and to strengthen bishops working together collegially with each other and Rome. American Bishops had worked together over the past nine years to refine and bring about an English translation of beauty and accuracy to tradition. Rome has rejected this version (after it’s having been approved by all American Bishops) and imposed the Missal discussed in your article. Rather than looking forward, the Vatican approved New Missal looks backward to a Latin that was not refined in its expression when originally used. By using such a literal translation it is hoped that the sense of mystery and sacredness will be enhanced. This process is designed to separate further the sacredness of the priesthood from the rest of the members of the Catholic faith."

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