Newt Gingrich selling book at National Shrine Sunday

by Joshua J. McElwee

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The comments section of a post about Newt Gingrich over at the Commonweal blog yesterday reveals an interesting factoid: This weekend the former Speaker of the House will be hosting a book signing at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Details about the event can be found at Gingrich's website here.

Personally, I find the choice of venue to be more than a little concerning. I'm not a fan of Gingrich, but more importantly I don't think politicians of any stripe should be able to use church property -- especially such a high profile church as the Basilica -- to sell books or espouse their views.

But I can see where others might disagree. It's tricky territory.

What do you think?

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