Oprah talks with men sexually abused as boys

200 men discuss childhood sexual abuse on two-part episode of 'The Oprah Winfrey Show

The first episode on Friday, Nov. 5, began as each member of the audience holds a photo of himself at the age at which he says he was first abused. Then, joined by Oprah, Tyler and Dr. Howard Fradkin, a psychologist who specializes in working with male survivors of sexual abuse and assault, the men came forward to share their stories and experiences.

In the second episode on Friday, Nov. 12, the men are joined by their spouses, partners and girlfriends to talk about the impacts of abuse on their relationships.

Among the show participants are representatives of local chapters of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests:

DC – Mark Serano
NJ - Mark Crawford, Director New Jersey
DE – Matt Conaty
TN - Mike Coode
CA - Paul Livingston
CA - Joey Piscitelli,
AZ - Joe Baca
NY - Charles L. Bailey, Jr.
MO - Tim Fischer

Check your local TV listings for broadcast times.

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