Phan in Rome speaks on religious pluralism

A featured speaker at the Dominicans annual gathering in Rome, Journées Romaines Dominicans, was Fr. Peter Phan, the American theologian whose work has been under Vatican scrutiny.

According to a report in The Tablet, the British weekly, Phan told the conference that the topic of religious pluralism was “one of the most pressing issues” in the Catholic church today – and one of the most dangerous.

“It is a controversial theme and one that in the current ecclesiastical climate is broached at one’s peril,” the Georgetown University professor said. … “To judge from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s declaration Dominus Iesus and the investigations of the works of theologians Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight, Jon Sobrino and a host of lesser lights, there is no doubt that what is called the theology of religious pluralism constitutes the neuralgic point of contemporary Catholic theology.”

Read the full report: Phan spells out goals of interfaith dialogue

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