The pro-life challenge of gun control

"Pro-life Christians who are a major political force in this country should be leading this movement [for saner gun control laws]," writes John Gehring, Catholic Program Director for Faith in Public Life, in a strong commentary  about gun violence and the pro-life movement. "If the sanctity of human life in the womb galvanizes evangelical Christians and Catholics to march on Washington, create sophisticated lobbying campaigns and hold members of Congress accountable, there is no excuse for pro-life timidity on this issue."

Gehring continues: "Catholic bishops, who will help mobilize many thousands of pro-life activists next month for the annual March for Life in Washington, could also put more lobbying muscle behind gun control efforts considering the church’s past statements." He then links to a story by Carol Glatz, who writes for Catholic News Service, Gun control: Church firmly, quietly opposes firearms for civilians. Here's another story from our archives by : In gun control debate, Catholic position elusive.

According to Glatz' story: "The Catholic Church's position on gun control is not easy to find ... [but] The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated."

Gehring cotinues: "If pro-life Christian leaders need some inspiration they should look to Rev. Gary Hall, the dean of the National Cathedral in Washington, who on the first Sunday after the school shooting in Connecticut said the best way to mourn the Sandy Hook tragedy is “to mobilize the faith community for gun control.”

“The gun lobby,” said Hall, “is no match for the cross lobby.”

Read Gehring's full piece here: Gun Violence: A Moral Challenge for “Pro-Life” Christians

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