Recommended reading from NCR editor

If you read only two articles today, you must read these from Global Sister's Report

You've no doubt been reading reports on the NCR website about the unfolding discussions between the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and Cardinal Gerhard Mueller of the Vatican's doctrinal congregation. If you want more insight into the larger issues behind those discussion, I'd suggest you look at these stories on Global Sister's Report, a project of NCR which was launched just two weeks ago.

I'd further suggest that you bookmark and visit it frequently. It will give you the inside scoop on the mission, minsitry and lives or woman religious around the globe.

African beatitudes and GSR: sisters on the ground in Nairobi

By Jill Day 
In Nairobi’s traffic-clogged maelstrom, Catholic sisters go quietly about their calling, helping the dying, supporting the destitute, educating the impoverished and healing the sick.

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Jesus and women: 'You are set free'

By Elizabeth Johnson 
Luke's story about the woman bent over (Lk 13:10-13) is a powerful scene in the gospels that shows in a flash how life-giving the encounter between Jesus and women can be. As Luke tells the story.

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