Serving the faithful

In today's Morning Briefing, NCR publisher Joe Feuerherd linked to this Associated Press story: Cardinal denies corruption allegations. The cardinal is Crecenzio Sepe, who is now archbishop of Naples, Italy, but in 2001-2006 was prefect, i.e, head cook and chief bottle washer, of the Vatican's Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Apparently there were also some questionable real estate transactions involving that congregation during that same time period. Read NCR's senior correspondent John Allen for more on that (A hint of accountability in new Vatican financial scandal).

Here's what caught my eye in the AP report (emphasis is mine).

"[Sepe] sought to dispel suggestions that he had been demoted to Naples archbishop by Pope Benedict XVI after serving in such a politically powerful position as prefect of one of the Vatican's wealthiest congregations.
Sepe said Benedict had asked him what he thought about moving to Naples, and that he readily agreed, saying he wanted to serve his remaining years among the faithful."

Doesn't that beg the question, who was he serving among during his long Vatican career? I'm just asking.

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