USCCB marriage discussion on Twitter

If you didn't follow the USCCB meeting by Twitter, you missed some drama.

About 2:15 eastern time, according the USCCB Twitter page, the bishops took up discussion of the bishops pastoral letter on marriage. (NCR readers may recall the of the document, the NCR editorialized: On marriage, the bishops should start over.)

I logged in about 20 minutes into the discussion and saw this at the top of the page (remember these are posted in reverse chronological order):

George says Hurley sounds like he wants document tabled.

Cites concern of Ramirez that Hispanics have totally different cultural perspective on marriage.

Hurley cites that document intended to be pastoral. Says the document warrants some additional attention.

Hurley clarifies his proposed amendment, that first two sections of marriage document be reversed w/intro based on Deus Caritas Est.

Amendment falls short.

Bishops doing electronic vote on Wenski Amendment.

Bishop Wenski defending proposed amendment that would encourage young Catholics to seek Catholic spouses.

Bishops preparing to vote on Pastoral Letter on Marriage.

Oh boy this was getting good. I refreshed my browser (remember reverse chronological order):

Kurtz is answering Hurley's concern.

Hurley is making motion for portions of document to be rewritten to incorporate more pastoral, inclusive, dynamic understanding of marriage.

Oh boy! Refresh again:

George says Hurley's amendment too important, that it affects whole document.

Bishop Conlon observes that amendment process be completed and that bishops ought to focus on whole document.

Refresh again:

"Without this document, our direction will be lacking." Kurtz

Bishops to vote on motion to remand to committee. Kurtz says committee does not favor this, to say the least.

Refresh again:

Motion to remand the document back to committee fails, 169-56.

Oh man. Didn't these guys read our editorial?

Kurtz notes that document requires 2/3 vote. Urges bishops on the fence to favor document.

Now they're voting .... refresh browser.

180 yes, 45 no, 3 abstains ... 175 required to pass letter.

Schweitz moves to approve the pastoral letter on marriage.

Well, I guess we have a new pastoral letter on marriage.

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