Vatican appointee ‘absolutely’ in favor of women priests

One thing we learned in October is that a synod of bishops, typically a staid talking shop that verges on the boring, can turn into to a robust round of discussions when the synod fathers follow Pope Francis’ instructions to "speak with parrhesia” -- meaning to speak candidly or boldly, and without fear -- “and listen with humility."

Perhaps the Vatican will experience another round of parrhesia early next year when Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture is to convene a meeting on the role of women in the Catholic Church today. The council will host a plenary assembly, titled “Women's Cultures: Equality and Difference,” in February for members and consulters.

Among the consulters is a Spanish priest, Fr. Pablo d’Ors, appointed by Pope Frances in July.

D’Ors is already speaking with parrhesia according to this report in Irish Times: “Vatican consultant ‘absolutely’ in favour of women priests.”

D’Ors told the Italian daily La Repubblica: “Am I in favor [of the ordination of women]? Absolutely, and I am not the only one. The reasoning which claims that women cannot become priests because Jesus was a man and because he chose only men [as his apostles] is very weak. That is a cultural consideration not a metaphysical one.”

Saying “the time is now ripe to travel down other roads”, d’Ors also said this “change is necessary” because to deny women the priesthood represents “an unacceptable discrimination.”

Read the full report.

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