Webathon Update: A new matching grant!

I am so happy to report that we have received another matching grant. Beginning at 2 p.m. central time, Raaberg and Lomont will match all donations coming to the website up to $1,000. If you have been waiting for an opportunity to double your donation, now is the time.

We are at crunch time now. We are halfway through Webathon week, but nowhere near halfway to our goal.

We have to double our efforts. Please donate now. We are cannot keep up the work of NCR without your help.

“I can get what I want from the Internet for free.” We hear that all the time. You do too, I bet. But we know – and you know – that the internet is not free. Besides the infrastructure needed to keep a website running, we have to pay our reporters and writers. We pay for the photos you see on this site. We pay for the words. We subscribe to half a dozen wire services to make sure we are getting news that you can use.

None of this is cheap. We need to raise more than 80,000 this week. We can only raise this from readers like you. Please donate now.

Another thing we hear all the time is, “I don’t subscribe to the print paper, but I subscribe online.” We are so happy that you are reading us on line. All the content on the website is offered free of charge. We collect no online subscriptions. So if your primary contact with NCR is via the internet, consider making a donation equal to the cost of an annual subscription: $46.95.

Can you send us $46.95 for a year’s worth of news, analysis and commentary? How much is NCR worth to you?

But also, no donation is too small. $20, $10, even $5 from every visitor to our website today would put us over our goal.

“NCR is my lifeline. It helps me keep my faith.” I hear this in conversation with readers every week. Well, YOU are NCR’s lifeline. We need you support.

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