7-8:30 p.m., EDT, April 28

Are you seeking more? Are you searching for a spiritual community? If so, perhaps the Providence Associate relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, is the perfect fit for you!

Plan on joining Providence Associates and Sisters of Providence for the upcoming virtual “Come and See” opportunity. The event will take place from 7-8:30 p.m., EDT, on April 28.


On February 27, Sr. Carmel Earls, who resides in our Franciscan House in Lucan, Ireland, but ministers in Neilstown Parish, was honored for 30 years of outstanding service to the parish and people of Neilstown. The surprise celebration was organized by the parish staff and the pastor, Father Hugh Cavanaugh, amid great efforts to keep the event top secret. The celebration opened with a concelebrated Mass by Father Hugh and three former parish priests who have ministered with Sr. Carmel at different times.

April 21, 7pm CT

"Addressing parental concerns: wisdom and advice" is the topic of a webinar on April 21 at 7 p.m. CT. Two young religious and two parents will discuss the questions, concerns, and emotions that parents experience when a child enters religious life.  The 1-hour program will consist of four short presentations followed by live Q&A.

Register today to join this free event. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpf-msqT8vGN20BvNH8y95ngg6gWmcwgCD


On March 24, 2022, the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, Bismarck, North Dakota, celebrated the 75th anniversary of their establishment as an independent monastic community in the Diocese of Bismarck.  In 1944, 140 members of St. Benedict's Monastery, St. Joseph, Minnesota, volunteered to be the founding members of the new community in Bismarck.  Benedictines first came to Dakota Territory in 1878 to teach the German immigrant children.  A few years later, they established St. Alexius Hospital, now known as CHI St.


The Sisters of the Divine Savior in attendance at the USA Provincial Chapter, April 4-8, 2022, are pleased to announce the results of their elections.

The following Sisters will serve on the Provincialate for the 2022-2025 term which begins on June 26, 2022.

Provincial: Sister Jean Schafer, SDS

Vicaress: Sister Mary Lee Grady, SDS

Team Members: Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS, Sister Mary Evelyn Zimbauer, SDS, and Sister Sheila Novak, SDS


Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Elects New Leadership

The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL) held their 19th Community Chapter in late February. The Chapter, convened every six years, meets to elect community leadership and promote the spiritual and apostolic vitality of the community.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


The most vulnerable populations in New York City, including individuals living with AIDS and HIV, are often overlooked and forgotten about in our society.

When the AIDS epidemic hit New York City in the 1980s, many people became sick and tragically died.

May 3, 2022 at 8 pm ET

The North American Vocation Team (NAVT) of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) present “Living our Call as SSND: Transformative Education, Part 3 – Around the Globe” Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 8 p.m. EST (7 p.m. CST). This third of a three-part online series is intended for women ages 18-45 to learn more about SSND and their ministry as an international organization. More information and registration for the Zoom link is available at ssnd.org/events/5-3-22.  


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


For the majority of her life, Sr. Maggie McDermott, OP, has been making her impact on communities in the Bronx, throughout New York City, and beyond.

In her ministry as Executive Director of Tolentine Zeiser Community Life Center, Sr. Maggie, a Sister of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, oversees the Sammon Build Center, Tolentine Early Learn Program, Paradise Transitional Housing, Susan’s Place, and Siena House.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


The issue of human rights has become a highly discussed topic over the past month.

From the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the horrific treatment of the Uyghur population in China, substantial human rights violations have occurred right in front of our eyes.

Whether we see posts on social media that highlight these atrocities or stories on the news, many of us have become aware of what is going on, but what we don’t know is how we can address these issues.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


In the early months of 1899, the fallout from the Spanish-American War occurred as the United States received the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, and Puerto Rico as a result of the Treaty of Paris, and Americans, even in southern Florida, were hit with the Great Blizzard of 1899 experiencing freezing temperatures and snow.

During that time, Mother Mary Ann and the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, cared for the most vulnerable children of New York City.


Last month the Religious Formation Conference launched of a new resources database for those interested in a variety of topics relevant to formation and consecrated life in the Roman Catholic Church.

The portal is intended for those in formation ministry, congregational leadership, associate programs, and others who support the formative journeys of those entering religious communities. It serves as a clearinghouse of information intended to inform both initial and ongoing formation.


Sister Margaret Bauer celebrated turning 103 years young on March 15. She is currently the oldest Sister in the province.

"The birthday party for Sister Margaret was absolutely wonderful," said Sister Rose Federici, part of the leadership team at Stella Maris in Timonium, MD, where Sister Margaret currently lives. "We began with a birthday prayer read by one of our GNAs. We had the party in our dining room. After lunch, we sang Happy Birthday to her and enjoyed an ice cream cake that was donated. Sister Margaret also requested cupcakes."

Thursday, April 21, 2022, 4-6:30 p.m.

You are invited to join the Haehn Museum for the opening of our 2022 exhibit:

“By the Work of Her Hands”
The Art of Sister Dennis Frandrup


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


Over the past week, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, friends, and supporters, enjoyed a Catholic Sisters Week celebration full of community, faith, friendship, and joy.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Linger Over Breakfast

From Trauma to Transformation: Covid 19 Healing in all of our Lives

With Patrice Coolick, PA, MA, CSJ and Rosario Bobadilla, MA, LMFT, LPC, CSJ

9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (doors open at 8:30) St. Teresa’s Academy, Windmoor Center, 5600 Main St. Kansas City, MO

$15, breakfast included. Register online at Linger Over Breakfast. May register for in-person or Zoom participation.


The Religious Formation Conference is pleased to announce that this year’s Life Commitment Program will take place June 22-30 at St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) near Chicago. Those discerning or anticipating profession of final vows are invited to gather with peers and presenters to engage the compelling questions, experiences, and insights that speak to the reality of living vowed religious life in the 21st century.

April 24, 2022

By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


After nearly two years of virtual events, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, are pleased to share that they will be hosting the 2022 Hearts Afire Gala on Sunday, April 24, 2022, at noon, at the View in the Hudson in Piermont, New York.

Marking the 21st year of our Hearts Afire Gala, this year’s celebration will indeed be a special one as the Sisters of Saint Dominic will present the Mother Mary Ann Sammon Award for Compassion and Service to Jerry Haas and Peter McKeever.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


For nearly 21 years, Sr. Kathleen McManus, OP, a Sister of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, has ministered and lived in Portland, Oregon.

In Fall 2000, Sr. Kathleen first arrived in Portland to minister as a Professor of Theology at the University of Portland. Since then, she has taught and participated in service and scholarship.

On the most recent episode of the Hearts Afire Podcast, Sr. Kathleen discussed her ministry.

March 17, 2022


The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s Encuentro@TheBorder Team is pleased to host Joanna Williams for a discussion about the current realities at the border. “Hand in Hand: Welcoming Migrants at the Border” is scheduled for Thursday, March 17, 6-7 p.m. central. Sister Katie Mitchell will host this online discussion via Zoom.

March 16, 2022 from 3-4 pm Central Time (Eastern time: 4-5 pm)

In this virtual presentation, Dr. Kreis and Dr. Moore will share information on a time and cost efficient method 

to assess life satisfaction among Sisters locally, nationally, and internationally.

In using the LSSAWR, Sisters can gain insights into their life, work, spiritual, and commitment satisfaction, individually and communally.

In fact, the psychometric properties of the LSSAWR indicate it is a valuable vocational tool to assist women religious worldwide

and intergenerationally as they seek to transform religious life into a viable future.



“There is a nobility in the duty to care for creation through little daily actions, and it is wonderful how education can bring about real changes in lifestyle,” wrote Pope Francis in section 211 of Laudato Si. https://www.laudatosi.va/en.html 


The Religious Formation Conference is now accepting applications for the new ForMission class that will gather June 1-8, 2022 at the Mercy Center in St. Louis. The application deadline is Friday, April 1st.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


The fight to end human trafficking and child abuse is an issue that cries out for attention.

Last week on the Hearts Afire Podcast, many listened to Sr. Arlene Flaherty, OP, discuss her advocacy efforts with US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (USCSAHT) and her support of the Earn It Act, legislation to eliminate the online sexual abuse of children.


By Katie Mahon, Communications Manager


In less than a month, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, will participate in Catholic Sisters Week, an annual celebration that highlights Women Religious, their accomplishments, and their influence on society, will be observed worldwide.

From March 8th to 14th, the Sisters of Saint Dominic will host several virtual events to celebrate the Congregation while unifying Sisters, Associates, other Women Religious, and the local community.