
By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager


In late March, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, launched the Hearts Afire Podcast. In this show, discussions about Faith, Advocacy, Ministry, Community, and Reflection will occur in thirty minutes or less.

Each season of the Hearts Afire Podcast will feature ten episodes recorded on a bi-weekly basis that includes various Sisters or Associates as guests.


As we enter into spring, we (in the Northern hemisphere) experience more hours of light than darkness. What wisdom does Earth beckon us to receive during this moment? We’re exploring this via our seven-episode podcast, Stepping into Spring: an Embodied Spirituality Podcast. Beginning on the Spring Equinox (March 20, 2021), we’ll release a 15-minute podcast each Saturday for seven weeks inviting you to take a walk, or move however you’re able, while you listen.

04/09/21 at 1:00 PM CST

The Franciscan Peace Center is proud to host an online conversation with nonviolence advocate, author, and educator, Eli McCarthy, Ph.D. on Friday, April 9 at 1:00 PM CST

McCarthy is a co-founder of the DC Peace Team -  an organization that works to prevent conflicts from turning violent primarily through the use of unarmed civilian protection.  For over a decade, he has led numerous training sessions empowering volunteers to recognize and intervene in situations at risk of erupting in violence. 

Friday April 23rd, 2021 and Friday May 21st 2021

Sister Luisa Derouen, OP, was the presenter for the first session in March.  You may register for sessions #2 and #3 at this link.

Friday April 23rd, 1:00-2:30 pm Eastern,  Soctty Pignatella: Presenter


Please join the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York at the 2021 Virtual Nun Run/Walk 5K race starting on Saturday, May 15, 2021.


What does it mean for the 2021 Nun Run/Walk 5K to be virtual?

Well, online registration is the same as always, but instead of gathering together on Saturday, May 15th in Blauvelt, you run or walk at your choice of time and at your choice of place. Whether you are running in your backyard, park, neighborhood, or a treadmill, just make sure to log your distance and time, and it'll count!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Curious about religious life? Want to discover the joy of being loved by God? The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph invite single Catholic women ages 18-40 to a “Come and See” online experience. This virtual gathering will take place on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. CDT. You will learn more about our creative, contemplative response to the needs of God’s people. 


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager


The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, will be hosting the 2021 Hearts Afire Virtual Gala on June 3, 2021, at 7 PM.

On that night, friends, family, and generous patrons of the congregation will be able to attend the Gala from anywhere, and registration is free!

March 30, 2021 at 2 pm (EDT), Toronto

Do No Harm: Sex Work and Anti-Human Trafficking, March 30 at 2 pm EDT

Part 2 of the Six-Part Webinar Series called Do No Harm: A Fresh Perspective on Anti-Human Trafficking Work

A weekly six-part webinar series beginning Tuesday, March 23 until April 30

April 14, 2021

Are you looking for constructive, nuanced conversation about the big issues of our day? Join Catholic Sisters and other panelists for a year-long monthly discussion series Exploring Intersections: Catholic Sisters on Racism, Migration and Climate.


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

As Catholic Sisters Week 2021 comes to an end, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, are once again reminded of the impact of Women Religious on society, as well as their accomplishments and influence worldwide.

This year's Catholic Sisters Week was unique compared to most year's celebrations.

Several Catholic Sisters Week events typically held in person with great crowds, in past years, shifted to virtual-based due to the pandemic.

March 26, 2021

The LGBT ministry of the Diocese of Lexington, KY, and Fortunate Families is sponsoring three zoom sessions for women and men religious (including religious order priests).The first of these will be Friday, March 26th, from 1:00-2:30 pm eastern.


HAMDEN, Conn. - The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus recently delivered homemade cookies to first responders in Hamden, CT—where their Provincial house is located— in gratitude for their tireless service and dedication to the community.

The cookies were delivered on March 10 in conjunction with the Apostles’ annual Day of Giving fundraiser. March 10 is also the birthday of the Congregation's foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni. 

June 5-13, 2021

Nazareth 5K
June 5-13, 2021
Run with a Mission – At Nazareth or Virtually

Run and walk at Nazareth or in the location of your choosing as you join the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for the 2021 virtual 5K. When you register, you will receive the official Nazareth 5K shirt plus a special gift from the Sisters.

Run any day between June 5 and June 13.

Saturday, April 17, 2021, 9 a.m. via ZOOM

Care for Creation: Spirituality and Responsible Investment, via Zoom

with Barbara Jennings, CSJ

Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si, calls for a “broad cultural revolution” to confront our environmental crisis. Join us as we see where are today, and what we still need to do to care and protect our common home. Together, how can we focus on not destroying the Earth’s resources for profit, divest from companies harming the environment, and prepare for Earth Day on April 22, showing our support for environmental protection?


The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur held a virtual prayer service February 12 to close out the 15th Anniversary Year of the assassination of Sister Dorothy Stang by wealthy landowners in the Brazilian Amazon. The prayer service included the participation of two Sisters who worked alongside Sister Dorothy: Sister Joan Krimm and Sister Jo Anne Depweg. Sister Elizabeth Bowyer also took part. Sister Elizabeth was the Ohio Province Provincial who received the news of Sister Dorothy’s death.

March 8th & 9th, 2021

The National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (NAC) invites you to its VIRTUAL 2021 Shine the Light Human Trafficking Conference: Root Causes and Intersections on Human Trafficking.  The conference, which is free of charge, will be held over two afternoons, March 8 (12noon to 3:00 pm EST), and March 9 (12noon to 1:30 pm EST).  We also are organizing a Call to Action Day on Trafficking for March 9.  

Register at


Joan Regan, the recreational coordinator for the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, wasn't sure what kind of response she would get when she invited people to send in Valentine's Day hearts to decorate the halls of the Motherhouse. Little did she know that she would receive more than 2,000 hearts to brighten the days of the sisters in quarantine.


Kathryn Getek-Soltis, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at Villanova University and former Catholic chaplain at Suffolk County House of Corrections in Boston, explores the U.S. prison system through the eyes of Christian mercy and ethics. Her workshop, Christian Mercy and our American Prison System, is offered virtually from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST Thursday, February 18, 2021, through Weber Retreat and Conference Center.


The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt are collecting children’s masks and cleaning supplies to benefit the Tolentine Zeiser Pre-K students in the Bronx, NY.

Donations can be dropped off between March 1st – 12th at the Suso Entrance of the Blauvelt Motherhouse or at the Tolentine Zeiser Pre-K entrance.

If you have any questions or would like to support Tolentine with a financial donation, contact Katie Mahon by emailing or calling 845-359-7327.


Join the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt and Dominican Sisters of Sparkill for a Catholic Sisters Week live conversation about how
we can open our hearts to the world, find common ground with others, as well as how Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti can help us build a culture of peace and dialogue as one human family.

Moderated by Sr. Jeanne Shary, OP, of Sparkill, this event will feature panelists: Sisters Carol Lehmkuhl, OP, of Sparkill, and Barbara McEneany, OP, of Blauvelt.


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

Throughout the pandemic, several of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, have often been asked, “How has faith shaped your response to the challenges of living with COVID-19?”

This question is the inspiration behind our upcoming Catholic Sisters Week Virtual Discussion: Living Through COVID with Faith & Hope.

This virtual discussion will occur on March 4th at 3 PM EST and moderated by Sr. Terry Rickard, President and Executive Director of RENEW International.

March 10 at 3pm central, and second Wednesdays through March 9, 2022

Catholic Sisters from 24 congregations in four states this March will launch a yearlong, live-streamed conversation series on the leading social justice issues of our time. Each episode is free and open to the public.

Titled “Exploring Intersections: Catholic Sisters on Racism, Migration and Climate,” each month this series will focus on a different social issue in a thought-provoking and engaging conversation. Three panelists, including Catholic Sisters, will bring unique perspectives to each session.