
By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

For Eileen Foti, an Associate of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, 2020 has been a year of pause and prayer.

Like many others, Eileen has had to significantly shift her daily responsibilities and activities to deal with the COVID-19 fallout.

Besides not being able to frequent restaurants and other small businesses, Eileen and her husband Charlie have utilized technology to watch weekly masses online.


Sister Teresa Huong Thi Nguyen professed final vows as a Sister of Providence in a liturgy on Sunday, Oct. 11, at Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church, Tukwila, Wash.

Due to pandemic health and safety requirements, Sister Huong’s ceremony was limited in size and attendees were masked and socially distant. The customary reception was postponed.


The Society of the Holy Child Jesus recently began its 175th anniversary year, which runs October 2020 to October 2021.

When Cornelia Connelly established the Society in 1846 England was a land of bitter divisions, hunger and disease. Cholera wiped out thousands of people and in Ireland a blight had almost destroyed the potato crop, causing the Great Famine. It was also an era of exploding scientific awareness and technological expertise. Alongside and evoked by this rapidly changing situation there was much religious questioning.


Catholic Religious women have continuously displayed courage in the face of difficulties posed by the global health pandemic – Covid-19. Having been tremendously affected themselves, they seek creative ways of caring for those entrusted to their care in different apostolate.




By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

On Saturday, October 10th, Sr. Bridget Mary Troy, OP, was among a group of Women Religious recognized at the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt’s Jubilee Celebration.

During the Liturgy, Sr. Bridget Mary reflected on what 60 years of Religious Life has meant to her.

“It is said that there is a human attraction to Religious Life that we can ponder but can’t fully explain. In the words of Jesus, ‘you did not choose me, I choose you.’


Join us on Zoom for Coffee with the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity! We will be discussing prayer and discernment. 

Are you discerning religious life? Connect with our Vocation Office for more support and learn about MSBT.


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager


“The eyes of God in the time of COVID”


Peggy Roach, an Associate of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, has described the past seven months as “life-changing.”


After being “verbally diagnosed” with COVID-19 in the pandemic's early days, Peggy experienced an elevated level of angst.



By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

Last Saturday, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt gathered together at the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary to host a socially distant Jubilee Celebration.


    This year, Sister Cornelia Sclafani, an artist, is celebrating 80 years as a Sister of St. Dominic of Amityville.  
    The last piece of art that S. Cornelia created was the face of Christ entitled, "Jesus."  It was not painted in oils or water colors, it was sketched on simple white paper with a pencil. 


The July 2020 Religious Sisters Webinar organized by The Leaders Guild (TLG) in partnership with Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK), and titled: Prophetic Role of Religious Sisters in Leadership Amidst Multiple Challenges Posed by Covid-19, was well attended by two hundred and ninety-six (296) participants across the globe, precisely from twenty-five (25) countries of the world.


Toronto, ON/October 7, 2020/For Immediate Release -- On October 7, 1851, four Sisters of St. Joseph came to Toronto from Philadelphia to care for children, left as orphans as a result of an epidemic of typhus. 

The leader of the Sisters, Mother Delphine, forged a path in caring for the sick, the orphans, the homeless, the destitute and the uneducated and now, 170 years later, in the midst of a pandemic, the Sisters, associates, staff and volunteers continue to forge new paths and celebrate their anniversary.


Madonna Bhavan, a community of Ancillae Secular Institute members in Trivandrum hosted a 3-day pre-marriage course at the premises of Ancillae’s Vocational training cum residential area at Kochupally. The course was conducted for the youth belonging to Pulluvila Forane of Trivandrum Archdiocese.  


Curious about Ursuline charism? Want to discover the joy of being loved by God? The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph invite single Catholic women ages 18-40 to a “Zoom and See” experience. This virtual gathering will take place on Saturday, Nov. 7. Join us online from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. CST to learn more about our creative, contemplative response to the needs of God’s people. 




Enjoy a lovely evening of specialty wine and delicious chocolates from the comfort of your own home.


Registration is open! Sign up for the event and order your choice of award-winning Syncopation Rhythmic Blend (red), Acoustic Blend (white) or Duet Rosé wine. Tickets available while supplies last.

Tickets: $35 per ticket.

Proceeds benefit the ministries and retirement needs of the Sisters of St. Joseph. 


Wednesday, Oct. 21
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.



By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

On Friday, the world learned the sad news of the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

At the age of 87, with 27 years of the years on the Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg, known to the world as RBG, passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer.

Women worldwide viewed RBG as an icon, and she was a hero for those passionate about social justice advocacy.


During the seven months of quarantine due to the pandemic, S. Mary Anna Euring has created hundreds of pieces of artwork: paintings bushed on rice paper, origami earrings lovingly folded and greeting cards enhanced with her photos of Long Island. But what to do with all this art? She decided to host a sale of her art to sisters and Motherhouse staff to raise money for the congregation’s OPening Word Program, an adult literacy program for immigrant women which operates on Long Island, NY.
She raised more than $4,000!


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager


A few months ago, Sr. Jennifer Schaaf, OP, an Assistant Chaplain at the Saint Thomas More Catholic Chapel and Center at Yale University, was all set to attend an Alternative Spring Break Trip to Guatemala.

Simultaneously, as she was preparing for this trip, the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading to the northeast, and forced Sr. Jennifer and her colleagues to cancel this trip, hours before departure.


 The Daughters of Wisdom at Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center, Litchfield, CT unveiled their conservation easement sign. This designated the conserved land for all who come to the center. More information and some of the presentations are here: .



The news was devestating for Sister of St. Dominic of Amityville Dolores Christi Gartanutti.  On Monday, August 31, her house burned to the ground when she left to bring Holy Communion to her 90+ year-old friend. An hour later, her home was destroyed and her dog Danny Boy passed away in the explosion.  


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager


To say the last five months have been challenging for Sr. Kathleen Sullivan, OP, would be an understatement.

As Chancellor for External Affairs for Dominican College, Sr. Kathleen has worked endlessly with fellow administrators to develop reopening plans for the school, in consideration of all its aspects, as well as collaboration with all its constituents.


The Franciscan Peace Center has produced an exciting new video project which will be released this month to celebrate the International Day of Peace (Sept 21) and Campaign Nonviolence (Sept 19-27).

Individuals from each state across the country were recruited and asked to record themselves walking and talking about a wish for peace in their state.  The individual videos were edited together into a 13-minute collaborative project. 


“Holding onto Hope” will take place online the weekend of Oct. 2-3, 2020, provided by the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center in Maple Mount, Ky., which is sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph.


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

When Sr. Jeanine Conlon, OP, said goodbye to the students of St. Charles School on Staten Island on March 13th, she only thought it would be for a few weeks.

Never did she think, the next time she would see her students would be the following September.

“You didn’t believe such a thing could happen, but it did,” commented Sr. Jeanine, a Sister of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York.


By Katie Beckmann Mahon, Communications Manager

Throughout her ministry at St. Pius V Parish & School in Rhode Island, Sr. Shirley Jeffcott, OP, has impacted many lives.

Whether she was teaching in the school or answering phones in the parish office, Sr. Shirley has always done “whatever needs to be done” to support the St. Pius V community.

With the school year approaching, Sr. Shirley has been helpful to the St. Pius V School administration as she has met with the incoming principal to help her learn about the history of the school.