Season of Creation Daily Day 5: Seeing with new eyes

Person in silhouette on the water

Photo used with permission | Adnan Adam Onart |

Take a moment to reflect on the photo.

To proclaim the greenness of the Judeo-Christian tradition, we don’t need to have a reformed foundation document or to make up a new one.  We simply need to read with new eyes the Hebrew Scriptures, the Genesis story, Job, the prophets, the Psalms into the New Testament, to find where God continually demonstrates deep concern for all creation.  
— Brayton Shanley, founder with his wife Suzanne of the Agape Community, Hardwick Ma. and co-author (with Suzanne) of Loving Life on the Margins: The story of the Agape Community.

The Laudato Si' Movement supports the Catholic Church to bring Laudato Si' to life in the following 3 dimensions, all equally important to tackle this complex climate crisis:

1. Spiritual Dimension: … the 'ecological conversion' needed to overcome consumerism and heal our relationship with creation and the poor; the Season of Creation is the flagship project.
2. Lifestyle Dimension: ... lifestyle changes to reduce carbon footprint and divest-reinvest to shift Catholic financial assets to clean renewable energy.
3. Public Policy Dimenson: … action for bold climate policies, by mobilizing people supporting advocacy, and amplifying the Laudato Si' message in the media.

What might be your path...

in the Spiritual Dimension?
in the Lifestyle Dimension?
in the Public Policy Dimension?

Special thanks for modern day prophets

Season of Creation Daily

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Editor's note: Season of Creation Daily is inspired by the Care for Our Common Home Ministry, Paulist Center Boston. To receive daily reflections by email, sign up here.  

This story appears in the Season of Creation Daily feature series. View the full series.

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