Copy Desk Daily, Sept. 17, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Big week ahead for coverage of climate crisis: As climate editor Bill Mitchell puts it, "NCR is trying something new this week." Effective today, readers will start seeing climate change stories on that were written by reporters from other news organizations, but republished by us. NCR has joined over 250 news outlets for the Covering Climate Now initiative. The aim? To boost the signal of reporting on the climate crisis, and improve coverage on this critical subject.

'Americans are waking up': Two-thirds say climate crisis must be addressed: NCR kicks off Covering Climate Now with a piece from The Guardian. In a new CBS News poll, more than half of polled Americans want the climate crisis to be confronted immediately.

Joseph Healey shares memories from years ago. As a priest serving the faithful in Tanzania, he experienced moments of God's presence, including a rising sun, and a remarkable confession after 25 years: Stopping to smell the flowers in East Africa.

Humanized Francis speaks as a leader whose movement is falling apart: The pope's blunt comments on the papal flight from Africa back to Rome have Ken Briggs thinking that Francis is under "some worrisome stress." 

'River of Gold' documents another threat to the Amazon: illegal gold mining: Beyond the Amazon rainforest fires, greed fuels another deadly practice within the region. An alarming documentary informs audiences about the pervasive harm of unregulated gold mining.

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