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The NCRonline.org home page for April 12

If you haven't yet joined NCR's membership program, consider the stories that you have read on the website this week:

Dramatic news out of the Vatican late yesterday about the pope apologizing for how he handled a sex abuse situation in Chile.

Also out of the Vatican yesterday, news that the Pontifical Commission on Latin America has called for world synod of bishops on women's role in the church.

An assessment of the Trump administration's nuclear weapons posture report and a breaking news story about a Catholic Worker inspired Plowshares action at a submarine base in Kings Bay, Maryland, to protest nuclear weapons.

Pope Francis issued the apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate ("Rejoice and Be Glad"), on the call to holiness in today's world, on Monday. NCR had perhaps the most comprehensive report on that document available. We've also carried analysis and reflections on the document. Some have called it the most elegant and evangelizing document of Francis' pontificate. Others found some points in it lacking. You're going to read both viewpoints here.

One of our most read stories this week was Tuesday's report on recommendations by the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests for making significant changes to the priest formation process.

We've written about Syria, Venezuela and Brooklyn's "Little Guatemala."

Today you can read (or listen to) Bishop Tom Gumbleton's homily from The Peace Pulpit or read about baseball as a road to community and, perhaps, God.

From the serious to the sublime, that is what you find on NCRonline.org.

The membership program supports all that work. Your giving as little as $5 a month will help ensure NCR can bring news, analysis and commentary, day in and day out. But we need your support. News on the internet isn't free. We need to pay salaries and health insurance for employees. We have to buy equipment and pay monthly service fees.

For most of its 53 years, advertising and subscriptions paid our bills, but that is no longer the case. We are committed to keeping the website open to all who want to read our news or listen to our podcasts, but to maintain the quality of service you've come to expect, we need our online readers to contribute to our efforts.

Take a tour around this website. Is this worth at least $5 a month to you? Please become a member today.

[Dennis Coday is NCR editor. His email is dcoday@ncronline.org. Follow him on Twitter: @dcoday.]

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