Here's what's new at NCRonline.org today:
Bishops press for violence-free campaign as Congo crisis escalates
Column: Viganò's third screed unintentionally reveals his true motives
Buffalo Diocese hit hard by storm of abuse allegations
Current Cheyenne bishop investigated predecessor for sex abuse
Editorial: 'Knock, knock. Who's there? More than half the church!'
Open letter to U.S. bishops: Make prelates mandatory reporters of abuse
Mexican parishes pitch in to help Central American caravan heading north
At Global Sisters Report:
Bishop out on bail, priest's death unnerve Indian nuns who protested publicly
Hilton symposium examines humanitarian topics that mirror sisters' ministries
Column: A call to arms, all-embracing
In other news around the web:
Finding 'Common Good' Among Evangelicals In The Political Season
Why I want my daughter to grow up in a noisy, chaotic Catholic Church
In the remote mountains of northern Ethiopia, a lone priest scales a 250m cliff each day to reach his church
Rights groups push for yes vote in Irish blasphemy referendum
Chilean court orders mediation between Church and alleged abuse victims
This Community Is Tearing Itself Apart Over Non-Christians Owning Houses
Catholic saint-finding game 'Follow JC Go!' wants to rival Pokemon Go
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