Religious Life

World Day of Prayer for Vocations is April 25: Vocation directors share their strategies

Evolutionary living through mutual mentoring

India's anti-conversion laws bring more harassment for Catholic nuns

Archive project for our local Zimbabwe congregation, founded in 1932

At America's Door: How nuns, once suspect, won the heart of non-Catholic America

CARA study shows how religious communities welcome increasingly diverse members

North American Conference of Associates and Religious to end operations

In silent Church of the Beatitudes, Franciscan nuns expand their prayers

Pianos, an aviary, crucifixes galore: Mercy Sisters' estate sale empties former convent

Not forgotten: our family in Iraq

Sisters in Poland fanned out to supplement medical and other care during the pandemic

How sisters in the Philippines found new ways of doing ministry during COVID-19

Learning from retreats at Lake Erie for the everyday

Sisters find spiritual sustenance during year of COVID-19 hardship

Turning point for religious life in India: What we hope continues forever as COVID-19 abates

During past year of COVID-19 disruption, US sisters connected online, continued ministries

Religious communities in Croatia grapple COVID-19 challenges amid earthquakes

Ministries of religious women in Eastern and Central Africa still thrived during the pandemic

Protests, war, hurricanes, pandemic: Catholic sisters exemplify courage through it all

US sisters strive to keep community during yearlong COVID-19 lockdown