Religious Life

Gone but not forgotten: Many former sisters stay connected to communities

'This is water management.' St. Joseph sisters create massive rain garden in New Orleans

My journey in the 'essence of religious life' Africa project

The true gift of sisterhood

Love, loss, communal life in an intergenerational community

COVID-19 precautions stop wheels for now for Cycling with Sisters

Hope trails alongside: remembering Macrina Wiederkehr

GSR readers share how the coronavirus has changed their communities, part two

GSR readers share how the coronavirus has changed their communities, part one

Two Antonian nuns die of COVID-19 in Quebec

Pandemic time becomes another novitiate time

Look to Mary when feeling helpless, advise Poor Clares in New Orleans

While keeping their distance under lockdown, sisters adjust with grace

'We haven't lost Christ in this': sisters under COVID-19 lockdown

Stay at home: a love letter during a pandemic

Keeping up community: what sisters are doing amid COVID-19 lockdowns

The coronavirus view from Australia

Vatican statistics show decline in number of consecrated men, women

US vocation conference study finds diversity growing, dedication to Gospel values strong

Passing the time in lockdown: Sisters sew face masks