Religious Life

Holy Family sister: Silence, prayer and faith tradition nurture Black Catholic vocations

Congregations and cultures mix as novices learn and grow together

Two sisters discover unique gift deep within their suffering

Sisters' communities can spur a new economic perspective

Use the Quarter Hour Prayer for mindful living

Mercy sister, lifelong advocate for those with disabilities, to receive Notre Dame's Laetare Medal

Pope Francis embodies the essence of our shared vocational life

Pope Francis has called us to a new way of being church

Pope Francis understands, appreciates and trusts women religious

Nuns, friars partner to explore future for iconic shuttered Hollywood monastery

Head of Latin American religious urges members to advocate for the poor, against abuse

The pope understands the church is feminine

Vatican accepts 'positio' in Mother Lange's cause; dicastery to review documents on her life

Pope bolsters women at Vatican but resistance remains

Is the church listening to the Holy Spirit's call in religious life today?

3 essential ingredients of everlasting commitment

The 10th annual Catholic Sisters Week will have a special focus on collaboration

St. Joseph agrégées rejoice in congregations' growing acceptance of their role

The keys to healing and forgiveness: Listen, acknowledge, apologize

French religious orders demand change over L'Arche abuses