Arts and Media

Q & A with Sr. Irene O'Neill, launching a platform for Sisters Rising Worldwide

Q & A with Sr. Judy Zielinski, producer of new documentary on Nicholas Black Elk

Poland's nuns join rap video challenge to help health care workers

Q & A with Julie McElmurry, zooming in on monastic life with documentaries

Art and the closet Catholic: princess edition

We shall be changed … and we are

Q & A with Sr. Mary Anna Gomes, transforming lives through media

New film documents tragedy of human trafficking by presenting 'Wells of Hope"

Super Nuns art initiative highlights sisters' anti-trafficking work

Making a difference in Appalachia is 'a privilege,' says religious sister

In Iceland, composer and Polish Carmelite sisters turn saints' poetry into music

As theology shifts, sisters are making Christmas more cosmic

Pauline sisters sing their 25th annual 'He is Born' Christmas concert

Sister recalls vaudeville days and her family as 'Nine Dancing Donahues'

Polish actress read saint's diaries to prepare for film role

CARA, America Media team up to produce video series on vocations

Q & A with Sr. Ann Therese Kelly, teaching the art of stained glass