Pope's quotes: Word becomes flesh

A quote from Pope Francis:

Divine wisdom 'is like a master worker' and 'plays.' The Word becomes flesh, is born of a mother, is born under the law, has friends and goes to a party. The eternal is communicated by spending time with people and in concrete situations. Your own history, shaped by the Gospel, the Cross and fidelity to the Church, has seen the contagious power of a genuine faith, passed down from family to family, from fathers to sons and above all from mothers and grandmothers, whom we need so much to thank. In particular, you have been able to touch with your hand the real and provident tenderness of the Mother of all, whom I have come here as a pilgrim to venerate and whom we have acclaimed in the Psalm as the 'great pride of our nation.' "

-- Mass in the Jasna Gora Shrine on the 1,050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland, Krakow, Poland, July 28, 2016

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