Within God's colorful world and poetic expressions of God's harmonic creation, where is there room for discrimination against people of color and different orientations?
No one lives harmlessly. But we are capable of choosing where we aim, capable of laying down our savage arms, and unpacking unexamined ideas and lethal words that create victims and enemies of our earthly family.
Some 38 religious sisters emerged from two Missouri parishes where Sr. Rose Weidenbenner grew up. "These sisters have witnessed to me — and to all of us — how God's love and call leads us to be of service in many places," she writes.
"As younger women religious, we often find ourselves as minorities within our own communities: fewer in number, yet filled with the same passion and commitment of older generations," write Giving Voice members who attended LCWR 2024.
To keep the essence, the fire, of religious life ablaze, we have to live out the words of Luke's Gospel. We have to daily redefine for ourselves what it is that gives the impetus to launch out on an unknown journey.
On the eve of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, Sr. Nadieska Almeida from Cuba reflects on Mary's role as protector and source of hope for Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Mary has accompanied our history,’ she writes.
Education needs to create a learning environment where all pupils, regardless of their abilities, feel welcomed and supported. A community-based rehabilitation program puts this into practice in Akure, Nigeria.
What I found was disturbingly out of step with the teachings I hold dear, and since all the commentaries on Project 2025 I've seen lack the perspective of nuns, I thought I'd offer a few observations.