Though not as fast as a speeding bullet, Superpope will fly across the world, gathering autographs of sports stars and eventually being auctioned off to raise money for the pope's charity.
Highlighting the Feb. 8 World Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, the pope noted this year's theme was dedicated to ending the trafficking of migrants.
Catholic priests must deliver good homilies so the "good news" of the Gospel can take root in people's hearts and help them live holier lives, Pope Francis said.
Catholics should use the season of Lent to look for signs and symptoms of being under the spell of false prophets and of living with cold, selfish and hateful hearts, Pope Francis said.
Usury is a grave sin that must be fought by building more just and humane economic and financial systems as well as by teaching people to live within their means, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis welcomed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Vatican Feb. 5 for a discussion that included the status of Jerusalem and the need to achieve peace in the Middle East.
Every religious leader must unmask and condemn any attempt to use God's name to perpetuate evil and to justify hatred, violence and exploitation, Pope Francis said.
Listening to the Scripture readings at Mass is hearing God speak directly to his people, offering spiritual sustenance and needed guidance for life's difficult journey, Pope Francis said.
Failure and disappointment in the Catholic Church's response to abuse should be an impetus to expand and improve healing and prevention, said a researcher at Rome's Center for Child Protection.
The Catholic Church must dedicate itself to properly forming and safeguarding the conscience of its faithful, especially young people, Pope Francis said.
The German bishops' conference decided to keep the traditional wording in the Lord's Prayer while the Italian bishops' conference changed the words of the prayer in their translation.
A truly pastoral minister never leaves people to suffer on their own or to become a victim to their own errors and confusion, Pope Francis told members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
To help parishes, groups, individuals and families better prepare for the World Meeting of Families, Vatican organizers are releasing a multimedia series of catechetical materials in five languages online.
All people have a right to freely profess their own religious beliefs without fear of duress, Pope Francis said, calling on the world community to do more to protect the Yezidi minority.
Global leaders must implement policies that support the family and offer real opportunities for the growth and development of all people, Pope Francis said.
In his last will and testament, a cardinal exiled to Rome, who survived the Nazis' Dachau prison camp and 17 years of communist persecution, requested to be allowed back home to Czechoslovakia for burial.
A lifestyle that is environmentally ethical cannot be "schizophrenic" — for example, by showing more care for animals and forests, than for the plight of people, Pope Francis said.
A bishop, seven Trappist monks and 11 other religious men and women killed by extremists in Algeria in the 1990s will soon be recognized as martyrs, the postulator for their causes said.