Carol Zimmermann

Carol Zimmermann

Veteran Catholic journalist Carol Zimmermann joined NCR as news editor in August 2024. Based in the Washington, D.C., she previously worked as a reporter and editor at Catholic News Service. Most recently, she worked at DeSales Media, the communications group at the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York, and as senior national correspondent for the Brooklyn Diocese’s newspaper and website, The Tablet. She is a board member of the Catholic Media Association.

By this Author

Sotomayor: 13 executed under Trump administration 'deserved more' from court

'We are better than this,' deacon says before Johnson's execution

Supreme Court says abortion drugs must be obtained in person, not by mail

Capitol Hill riots addressed in homilies at some U.S. Catholic churches

In year of racial reckoning, Catholics joined protests, prayers

Catholic advocates against death penalty urge clemency for woman on federal death row

Religious issues played big part in 2020 Supreme Court

Maryland Catholic Conference urges Trump to stop a federal execution

Supreme Court gives no definitive ruling on Trump's census plan

Court sides with Colorado, New Jersey challenges to pandemic worship restrictions

Federal judge orders full restoration of DACA program

Catholic leaders decry additional federal execution measures

Court unsure of Trump's plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants in census

Supreme Court allows federal execution of Texas inmate to proceed

U.S. bishops urge Trump, Barr to stop upcoming federal executions

Federal judge: rules restricting DACA program were invalid

Supreme Court seems ready to let Affordable Care Act stand

Tennessee governor gives temporary reprieve to death row inmate

Alex Trebek dies at 80; host of 'Jeopardy!' was educated in Catholic schools

Supreme Court looks for compromise in Catholic foster care case
