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There but for the grace of God: What Pope Francis thinks of prisoners

Selfish, 'armchair' Christians distance people from Christ, pope says

Patten: Vatican media must be professional, but reform won't be pillage

Catholic teaching can help correct distorted economies, cardinal says

Pope Francis urges engaged couples to take time, be open to God's surprises

Study day on synod did not aim to change doctrine, spokesman says

Vatican bank posts large profit, continues review of account holders

Pope to Franciscans: Stay true to charism, keep people's respect

Blessed Romero 'another brilliant star' belonging to church of Americas

Look of love: Jesus' gaze will change your life, Pope Francis says

Franciscans elect U.S. Fr. Perry to six-year term as superior

Muslim leader praises 50-year-old church document on religious dialogue

Pope Francis urges prayers for China, persecuted Christians over Pentecost

Benedictine Fr. Cyprian Davis, top chronicler of black Catholic history, dies

Pope Francis says parents must not exclude themselves from children's lives

Archbishop Gomez reminds conference of Dorothy Day's treasured legacy

Benedictine nuns make their home on the range

Mother Teresa's canonization in 2016 only hypothetical, says Vatican

Reaction mixed to Tsarnaev death sentence in Boston Marathon bombing

Pope Francis urges reflection on 'final farewell' from earthly life
