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Vatican, Italy sign tax treaty, promise to share information

Pope says a 'good Easter' requires making Jesus' passion one's own

Christian leaders call for end to 'profound evil' of the death penalty

Panel says assisted suicide operates with premise 'some lives are unworthy'

Life and death justice issues face court, draw faith leaders' voices

Church directives seek to keep mafia out of Easter processions

Legionaries apologize for video featuring students from elite academy

Cardinal George back in hospital for hydration issues, pain management

Papal ecology: Protecting all God's creatures, respecting God's plan

Pope Francis joins homeless people for private tour of Sistine Chapel

Utah bishop decries governor's decision to sign firing squad measure

Cardinal says bishops' conferences cannot go it alone on doctrine

Laicized Polish priest gets seven years in jail for child sexual abuse

Joy comes from faith, not doctrine, pope says

English cardinal urges debate on family synod to stay out of the press

Philippine lawmakers pledge to block proposed divorce law

Pope Francis' visit to Turin will highlight shroud, young people, marginalized

Masked gunmen fire on police guarding Catholic church in Pakistan

Canadian court rules Jesuit school can teach from Catholic perspective

Nuncio: World leaders must recognize human dignity begins at conception
