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Cardinal says pope's steady focus on poverty emphasizes body, soul

Vatican approves amended constitutions for Legionaries of Christ

Praise God, proclaim salvation, pray for the persecuted, pope says

Did Pope Francis get what he wanted from the synod?

R U texting in church? Put the phone down!

Experts, historians explore Shakespeare's Catholic sympathies

Poverty was among synod's major concerns, Philippine cardinal says

Be ready with God's weaponry; the devil is real, pope says

Three Cincinnati priests on leave for misconduct have been laicized

Cardinal announces school closures, mergers in Chicago archdiocese

Big Laurel Learning Center a mountain oasis surrounded by coal mining

CRS manages 'safe and dignified' burials of Sierra Leone Ebola victims

Judge grants Ave Maria University temporary injunction on HHS mandate

Don't be bad Christians, people may think atheism is better, pope says

Halloween costumes that mock religious figures called disrespectful

'Don't give up hope': Archbishop responds to woman's suicide plan

Pope urges activists to struggle against 'structural causes' of poverty

Churches urged to develop better pastoral approach to divorce, marriage

Pope says official exorcists show church's love for the suffering

EPA's Clean Power Plan draws interest from Catholic organizations
