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Cardinal, patriarch call for international action to liberate Iraq

Pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible US visit

Aim of poster to show border crossers 'are real people,' not 'illegals'

Hundreds brave rain to try to get final glimpse of pope in South Korea

Pope says forgiveness key to reconciling divided Korea

At stadium Mass, pope tells Koreans to resist materialism

Time to act: Church teaches duty to intervene to prevent genocide

Pope to UN: Act to end the tragedy in Iraq

Two Nigerian archbishops suspend sign of peace to help prevent Ebola

Pope's appeal for peace in Iraq: 'Stop these crimes'

With no pope in residence, Vatican opens gardens of summer villa

As Ebola deaths rise, Ghana's bishops urge screening at seaports

Cardinal O'Malley: 'Wounds of Christ' can be seen in suffering of migrants

Pope asks for international action to help Iraq's persecuted Christians

First black priests in US 'opened door for rest of us,' pastor says

Spanish priest known for rehabbing gang members jailed again in El Salvador

Priest in Libya says church leaders will remain in solidarity

Across US, groups focus on legal needs of unaccompanied minor migrants

Pope says memorize the beatitudes, assess your care for the needy

Pope urges young people to use their freedom to share love, faith
